Coronavirus lockdown | Stay home, stay safe; here are 5 things you can do at home
The novel coronavirus has now infected more than 4,80,000 as on date statstics people across the globe. Over 600 confirmed cases have been registered in India for real time update visit official websites and follow the guidelines of Doctors, Government Leaders and policies . The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended following social distancing strictly to curtail the spread of the virus. Many countries are under lockdown, and have urged their people to stay at home as it is the only prevention from contracting COVID-19.
Contribute to the society and humanity:
- Disinfect / sanitize your surroundings,
- Stay home Meditate and pray,
- Cook and eat healthy food,
- Work and workout from home,
- If required to go out please follow the guidelines and be aware.

We urge you to remain safe during the crisis. These are challenging times but we feel confident as a company and a community, we will get through this together. In case of any clarification feel free to contact us via call or email us at hashtag#letsfightcorona